As club secretary you help your club run smoothly and effectively. You also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.

What you do

  • Maintain membership records: Update your club membership data. Your club invoice is based on the number of members in Rotary's database for your club as of 1 July and 1 January. Rotary International sends the club invoice by email and mail. Save paper by opting out of the paper (mailed) version.
  • Assist the Club President with monitoring/implementing the tasks as set out in the Timeline For Club Presidents for the current and incoming Rotary Year. Posted in President's Briefcase.
  • Maintain minutes of club, board, and committee meetings.
  • Record attendance at meetings and enter monthly attendance figures in ClubRunner (optional).
  • Work with incoming secretary to ensure smooth transition.

See full job description.

How to prepare

  • Attend district training assembly
  • Work with outgoing secretary

Resources & reference


Rotary support

A complete set of District documents, files, forms, etc. are filed under the Member Area > Administration > Documents Download. The access level for each item is designated as either Public or Requires Login. The key documents that are designated as public can be accessed from the website (without logging into the Member Area).
My Rotary provides an extensive amount of resource material, supporting documents and information Club Presidents and club members.  Learn how to create a My Rotary account
A key section for Presidents and other club leaders is under "Manage" > "Club & District Administration". This includes the ability to check the your club's progress toward earning a Presidential Citation. Found under "Reports" > "District Reports" > "Awards" > "View Rotary club reports". You can also view Foundation giving for individuals, your club and the district under Reports or Contributions