Add a "Join Us Online" link to your Club Info in ClubRunner
Join A Virtual Meeting Around the Rotary World
Want to join a meeting or welcome others to your meeting? 
You can also check to see which Clubs in our District have a "Join Us Online" link on our 'Club Directory & Contacts' page. If your club is holding hybrid meetings, mention adding the link to your Club Administrator.
The key goal of the Program Hub is to share and exchange information between the Clubs about...
  • Programs and/or Speakers clubs have had.
  • Perhaps your club has recorded presentation(s) that could be shared.
  • Programs and/or Speakers clubs have scheduled.
  • Potential/Interested Speakers that you have heard about.
Please submit your info:
Speaker's name and email; and subject matter OR Programs to - We will post the info here and on the 2020/2021 Rotary Presidents of D7010 Facebook page.


There are also District, Rotary Zone and Rotary International speakers - on all things Rotary > Membership, Foundation, New Generations, Service Projects, Public Image and more... who are more than willing to present at your meetings.
For Service projects consider inviting someone to talk about a Community Service Project or World Community Service Project.
Need assistance arranging for a speaker? Email - - and tell us what topic(s) you are interested in and we will make the connections for you.
Also check out programs clubs have scheduled via their website links on our "Club Directory & Contacts" page on the District website. On that note, clubs are strongly encouraged to post their upcoming speakers/programs.


For additional video speakers, check out the videos posted in the site links on the left side of the page.