
In developing the goals for the district this year, with the assistance of the Assistant Governors and Directors at district, careful thought was given to address membership as an objective.  Membership in Rotary is very important.  The more members we have, the more good we can do.
Membership: achieve at least 3 of 5:
Hold at least 2 membership growth events e.g. potential members are invited to an informal gathering to learn about Rotary; each Rotarian does an “ask”; past members are invited to a meeting and asked to rejoin etc.
Develop and implement a “better retention” plan in your club e.g. are members greeted and welcomed at every meeting; are new members invited to join a table; is there a mentor assigned to new members; etc.
Increase membership by net 10%.
Improve member retention rate by at least 1% from last year.
Fellowship and fun
Increase fellowship and fun in your club e.g. increase fellowship events from last year; introduce an element of fun at meetings, e.g. birthdays, anniversaries, recognition of Valentine’s Day, Family Day, Rotary’s birthday, St. Patrick’s, etc.)
I invite you to contact Lynne Chant, District Chair of Membership