The “Adventure in Understanding” program is an annual six day (five night) cultural canoe experience for twenty young First Nation and non-native youth ages sixteen to eighteen years old. It is a co-ed canoe voyage along the Trent Severn Waterway from the new Canadian Canoe Museum waterfront in Peterborough (August 25th) to Curve Lake First Nation (August 30th).
The program was developed by the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha with the assistance of the Curve Lake First Nation Youth Committee and is offered with the co-operation of Camp Kawartha and the Canadian Canoe Museum.
A participant from 2023 stated – “This trip taught me a lot about Indigenous cultures and the Trent Severn Waterway, finding common ground with people I had never met before, perseverance and tackling a challenge head-on”.
Three 26-foot Voyageur canoes with a full crew including 4 leaders will share this 100 km camping adventure. A $400 registration fee covers all food, all paddling and safety equipment, all camping equipment except a sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Don Watkins, Chair, Adventure in Understanding program also stated that financial assistance is available for those not able to afford the total cost.
During this trip the paddlers will travel over the Peterborough Liftlock, experience the ‘teaching rocks’ at Petroglyphs Provincial Park and visit with Curve Lake Elders.
Visit our blog at for application forms, great videos and pictures from past trips!
For further information, please contact:
Don Watkins
Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha